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Homemade Mexican Tamales

Making tamales in my home always brings back the memories of my Paternal grandmother. She always had a pot of coffee right next to her chair at the enamel kitchen table. Her stove had 2 to 3 large pots that was always filled with a delicious soup, stew or boiling meat. My favorite time of the year is Christmas when she would invite all the family and neighbors to join her in making delicious pork tamales. The kitchen table always had a mountain of masa. The slow cooked meat, chiles and a full pot of coffee kept all the laughter and work going. I miss those days and hope I can create the spirit my Grandmother always brought with her tamale making. Nothing can compare to her delicious tamales, but this recipe is something that makes me happy and think of her. Click the video to see how I make tamales.


(MEAT) 5lb pork shoulder roast 2 bay leaves 2 tsp salt 1 chicken bullion (optional) 1/2 tsp pepper 2 garlic cloves minced 1/2 tsp ground cumin 1 lb bag of corn husk **Be sure to soak husks in hot water for at least 2 hours or until soft and pliable


5 lbs bag fresh white masa 2 cups of melted pork lard 1 cup of drippings from pork or water salt to taste

**keep extra hot water or drippings if masa is dry

RED CHILE PUREE (Use any combo of dried chiles you like. Here's what I used.) 2 cascabel chiles 4 ancho chiles 2 pasilla chiles 1 small onion 3 cloves of garlic salt to taste

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